UVA Today Interviews Madison House's Executive Director

Watch: Newsplex - UVA Today: Madison House (June 29, 2015)

From Newsplex:

Tim Freilich, the new executive director Madison House, is only four months on the job, but he is a Madison House veteran.

Freilich, who earned undergraduate degrees in Spanish and psychology, and later a law degree, at UVa, was a Madison House volunteer while a student. In 2005 he was recognized as Madison House's "Alum of the Year" for his public service work.

He jumped at the opportunity the be the directors of Madison House, because he said it gives him "a chance to direct the positive energy of 3,100 student volunteers in the community I love."

An independent bridge between the University and the community, Madison House serves as the student volunteer center, coordinating volunteers, developing leaders, building community partnerships and promoting lifelong volunteer service. Madison House organizes service programs to address the needs of the community as well as the educational and personal growth objectives of students.

Madison House currently has about 3,100 volunteers, working in about 170 different sites in the community.

"In the past year, Madison House volunteers contributed about 111,000 servicehours to the community," Freilich said.

Freilich, who was the legal director of the Legal Aid Justice Center's Immigrant Advocacy Program for 15 years, thinks both the University and the community benefit from Madison House.

"Madison House is a pivotal organization to bring the University and the broader community together," he said. "I want to create opportunities for U.Va. students and community members to learn from one another with mutual respect."

With Madison House's 50th anniversary in 2019, Freilich wants to position Madison House to continue to be a strong and vibrant program for students and the community.