UVA Learning in Action

Volunteer of the Week: Maxwell Madani

Volunteer of the Week: Maxwell Madani

Maxwell Madani is a fourth-year studying Cognitive Science in the College of Arts & Sciences. He is the Madison House Program Director and Programming Intern at Computers4Kids, social chair for the Persian Cultural Society, and president of the Neuroscience Enthusiasts Club. Maxwell also works as a medical scribe in the Emergency Department and conducts research with Dr. Xiaowei Lu in the UVA Cellular Biology department.

Madison House: A New Engaged Learning Initiative

Madison House: A New Engaged Learning Initiative

Madison House is incredibly excited about their newly funded Engaged Learning Initiative. With generous support from the UVA Parents Fund and The Jefferson Trust, the Community-Engaged Learning and Leadership Initiative will support faculty who want to utilize Madison House programs for community-engaged course service placements. For example, in this semester (its pilot semester), Prof. Esther Poveda’s Spanish class on “Social Justice Writing for Change”partnered with the Latinx and Migrant Aid program at Madison House; students worked with Sin Barreras and in local elementary schools to support bilingual children and their parents who speak mostly Spanish.

Volunteer Spotlight: Vivian Garcia

Volunteer Spotlight: Vivian Garcia

Vivian Garcia is a second-year majoring in economics in the College. She is currently the chair of the UVA Student Council Service Committee and has volunteered through Madison House at Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry and Greenbrier Elementary School C.L.A.S.S. Program. In her free time, she works at Asado and is a member of the Pi Beta Phi Virginia Epsilon Chapter.