Top 10 ways you can thrive at the University

As you begin or continue your college career at U.Va., consider these tips for success from a relatively wise soon-to-be graduate.

Reach beyond the U.Va. bubble

Believe me, I understand how tempting it is to stay within the safe boundaries of Grounds, but don’t forget about everything that the City of Charlottesville has to offer. As a first year, I was hesitant to explore anything beyond the Corner, but the Downtown Mall is a great place to start your journey outside of the University. There is a seasonal Saturday morning farmer's market from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. that is a great activity to try out to see a bit of the city and learn about some local businesses to support. Also, consider giving back to Charlottesville by volunteering your time and services to organizations through Madison House — the volunteer center for the University's students.

Read the rest of this Cavalier Daily story here.